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You may say it's impossible, but Rats can play basketball ... the impossible is possible...

It's Wednesday 7th February and what a year it's been so far, the rains have come and snow is due and you may be feeling that midweek lull in your motivation. So if I told you that rats can play basketball, some would have thought this is impossible. what about if it said that pigeons can play pigeon table tennis?

They can indeed watch the video link below to see.

How is this possible, it is because we can be trained to do actions or responses to change the way that we think about something and perceive a way of doing something. Throughout our lives, we build up both positive and negative associations.

Our associations are what make us who we are but negative associations can be changed and linked to more positive associations .. this is evident when '(William Thatcher aka Sir Ulrich Von Liechtenstein ) played by Heath Ledger in A Knights Tale' which shows how we can 'Change Our Stars' to be who we want to be …all is possible and nothing is impossible it is all about how we perceive and associate with what we want to achieve.

Starting small by changing the way we do something for example say you spend 8 hours sitting at your desk working. You don't take a break from the work every hour and keep going and going eventually this will impact your health and mental wellbeing. because the following things could be signs of stress build-up:

  • Backache - from sitting at a desk too long

  • Neck ache

  • Headaches

  • Tired eyes

  • Loss of focus and concentration

  • Procrastination

  • Sleep issues

New associations to help break these existing routines

  1. Take a walk outside during your break time outside of the office environment. A walk in the fresh air outside of your working environment helps to put your thoughts in perspective and

  2. Set yourself goals for your day to help you not get overwhelmed, if you can achieve three things in your day that is a win

  3. Plan a little self-care to help reduce your stress levels, Self-care and wellness can take many forms from therapeutic massage treatments, meditation, breathing techniques, exercise,

  4. Talk to someone and help share your thoughts, let people know how you are feeling. In a safe and comfortable space.

To find out more about how Suther Therapy could help you and your organisation take action contact Suther Therapy email: or call 07769 974992

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